Last night we trudged through snow and ice to see "Let The Right
One In," a hauntingly beautiful film about sexuality, alienation,
schoolyard bullying, and vampires. Very much a queer film,
in that it shifts the focus of its young male protagonist's desire
from girls to an ambiguously sexed/gendered creature
who only passes as a girl. It also privileges loyalty
terrifying violence of quotidian bullying.
One In," a hauntingly beautiful film about sexuality, alienation,
schoolyard bullying, and vampires. Very much a queer film,
in that it shifts the focus of its young male protagonist's desire
from girls to an ambiguously sexed/gendered creature
who only passes as a girl. It also privileges loyalty
and commitment over familial bonds, and asks the viewer to
take most seriously not the vampire's stylized rituals, but theterrifying violence of quotidian bullying.
