New collaborations in Banango Street

Kristina Marie Darling and I have collaborative work in issue 5 of Banango Street. It's a fabulous issue, full of poets I admire. I'm honored to be included.
Art by Will McEvilly
Also, photographer Holly Andres has an exhibit forthcoming in Seattle at the Photo Center NW. Titled "The Homecoming," it's showing Oct. 24 - Dec. 15, 2013.
Holly Andres, Anna’s Birthday Party
Finally, although I think Breaking Bad is brilliant (up there with The Wire on my list of favorites), I don't have a TV and haven't yet seen the new season. Please don't spoil it! Also, I am so jealous that real live science professors get to be consultants on the show. When do I get to be a consultant? When is someone going to write a fabulous show about wayward academics in an English Department at a small state school? When will television ask me how it feels when someone disrespects Robert's Rules of Order? Or when a student won't stop texting during lecture? Or when the state budget for education is so tiny that we're forced to steal free pens from the credit union?
I know, Walt. Sometimes no one is paying attention so you have to set things on fire. 
