I'm thrilled that
Kelly Magee and I have a short story collection forthcoming from
Black Lawrence Press in 2015. Titled
With Animal, the stories focus on humans who become pregnant with animal (or non-human) babies. We've got unicorns, dragons, jellyfish, locusts, hippos, sparrows, and lots more. Individual stories have already appeared here, there, and everywhere, including
Smokelong Quarterly, Heavy Feather Review, Animal Literary Magazine, and
Juked. Look for stories forthcoming in
Hayden's Ferry Review, Passages North, Indiana Review, Sundog Lit, Word Riot, Animals Among Us, Spittoon, and elsewhere. We're incredibly lucky to feature art by
Todd Horton on the book's cover.
Art by Todd Horton |
If you're in the Seattle/Bellingham/Vancouver, BC region, be sure to catch Todd's latest show at
Smith &Vallee Gallery in Edison, Washington.
In other book news,
decomP magazinE features a review of
F IN. Thanks to Spencer Dew for such an insightful review! And while you're thinking about animals in art, please take a minute to learn about
Justice for Joseph on his Facebook page, and maybe even donate to the cause at
Network for Good.