New Collaborative Short Story Collection in 2016

Think addiction to lightning and amnesiac lungs. My new collaborative short story collection, Your Sick, has just been picked up by Jellyfish Highway Press! My co-writers are Elizabeth J. Colen and Kelly Magee. Together we invented a catalogue of imaginary illnesses to highlight the perils and pleasures of intimacy.
Francisco Goya y Lucientes - The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
I'm fascinated by ways humans fail to connect -- our forgettings, our hauntings. Our fragile, torched selves. Yet sometimes forgetting your baby on the bus isn't the end but the beginning of something; sometimes lightning strikes when you most crave heat. We're still in the revision stages of this book process, guided by our editor/publisher, Justin Lawrence Daugherty. Look for Your Sick in 2016.
Albrecht Durer – Melancholia
